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International Hanseatic League Day returns to Gdansk!

Soon, on June 13-16, a large, international event will take place in Gdansk - International Hanseatic League Day. The name may be a bit misleading, because in fact, what lies ahead of us is not a day, but 4 days of great celebration at Coal Market (Targ Weglowy).  ...


International Hanseatic League Day returns to Gdansk!

Soon, on June 13-16, a large, international event will take place in Gdansk - International Hanseatic League Day. The name may be a bit misleading, because in fact, what lies ahead of us is not a day, but 4 days of great celebration at Coal Market (Targ Weglowy).  ...


What are the new features in Tourist Card?

There is a beautiful spring outside, and  on May 1, the Tourist Card will be enriched with new attractions. And while spring, unfortunately, will end in a few weeks, the attractions will remain on the Tourist Card for good. See what we have prepared for you....


Czas na Gdańsk!

Gdańsk to miasto gdzie nie sposób się nudzić. Nie jest przy tym istotne czy przyjeżdżamy tu na weekend czy na dłużej, zawsze będzie co robić w fascynującym, ponad 1000-letnim Mieście Neptuna. Aby ułatwić Wam odkrywanie piękna Gdańska, w ramach kampanii #CzasNaGdańsk przygotowaliś...


Gdansk Tourist Card gets even better!

Pandemic times are drawing to an end and everything slowly goes back to normal. That’s another reason to plan a visit in Gdansk even more so now, when the Tourist card has just gained new attractions. See for yourselves....